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Author cjwatson
Recipients cjwatson, gregory.p.smith, miss-islington, ned.deily, pmpp, serge-sans-paille, vstinner
Date 2020-10-08.17:33:46
SpamBayes Score -1.0
Marked as misclassified Yes
Message-id <>
FWIW I just ran into what I believe to be this bug with the Launchpad test suite on Python 3.6.9.  The output shows some normal test output followed by:

No entry for terminal type "unknown";
using dumb terminal settings.
bind: Invalid command `enable-meta-key'.
No entry for terminal type "unknown";
using dumb terminal settings.
No entry for terminal type "unknown";
using dumb terminal settings.
Segmentation fault

The test suite imports a lot of stuff, but it includes something which links against libLLVM which links against libedit (I haven't worked out exactly what, but probably GTK-related).  Then something else much later imports readline - again, I haven't worked out what yet, as it's taken me a day just to set up the exact right environment in which to reproduce this at all and an strace doesn't make the cause of the import especially clear.

So I understand why you see this as a rare use case, but it's *extremely* confusing and a massive time sink when you do run across it, as the cause is a long way distant from the effect and it can arise in situations where it is in no way deliberate to have this sort of setup, but rather an emergent effect of several other things.
Date User Action Args
2020-10-08 17:33:46cjwatsonsetrecipients: + cjwatson, gregory.p.smith, vstinner, ned.deily, pmpp, serge-sans-paille, miss-islington
2020-10-08 17:33:46cjwatsonsetmessageid: <>
2020-10-08 17:33:46cjwatsonlinkissue38634 messages
2020-10-08 17:33:46cjwatsoncreate