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Author zamunda
Recipients zamunda
Date 2020-09-18.00:40:16
SpamBayes Score -1.0
Marked as misclassified Yes
Message-id <>
nstalled VS code, installed Python extension and when it loaded a pop up showed "Linter is not available" or something like that. Press Install, choose linter or never show again options.
Pressed Install - and it loaded the code to install it. It installed some stuff but there are errors about Path or something. See in the screenshot.
I've never had such Warnings before.

When I installed Python (on my system Windows) I put a checkmark on Add to Path, so it's not the problem.

Then I moved to Linux hoping it will work better and without warnings. Same Warining there too.

I guess there is a problem with python3-pip or something.
Date User Action Args
2020-09-18 00:40:16zamundasetrecipients: + zamunda
2020-09-18 00:40:16zamundasetmessageid: <>
2020-09-18 00:40:16zamundalinkissue41807 messages
2020-09-18 00:40:16zamundacreate