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Author petr.viktorin
Recipients brett.cannon, petr.viktorin
Date 2020-09-16.13:23:38
SpamBayes Score -1.0
Marked as misclassified Yes
Message-id <>
One underlying issue from bpo-41631 is that importlib.util.LazyLoader produces modules that are only fully loaded after an attribute is accessed (through __getattribute__).

C-API functions like PyModule_GetState, PyModule_GetDict and such do not get attributes, and when called on a _LazyModule, they might try to access uninitialized C-level state.

I see two possible ways to fix this:
- Make PyModule_GetState, etc. trigger a full load. Since this is C-API, it would need a fast (no Python code) way either to do the full load or to detect _LazyModule.
- Make LazyLoader eager for either all extension & builtin modules, or for modules that have C-level storage. The latter would need a way to pass info from PyModuleDef to the loader.

Brett, does that analysis make sense from the importlib POV?
Date User Action Args
2020-09-16 13:23:38petr.viktorinsetrecipients: + petr.viktorin, brett.cannon
2020-09-16 13:23:38petr.viktorinsetmessageid: <>
2020-09-16 13:23:38petr.viktorinlinkissue41797 messages
2020-09-16 13:23:38petr.viktorincreate