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Author BTaskaya
Recipients BTaskaya, gvanrossum, lys.nikolaou, pablogsal, rhettinger
Date 2020-09-08.20:53:25
SpamBayes Score -1.0
Marked as misclassified Yes
Message-id <>
The problem with asdl_seq_int was that it was hard-coded since there was no entity that transpods data between different traversers / node visitors. PR 20193 tries to implement a general-purpose metadata system to eliminate that issue, and can be easily extended for this too!
Date User Action Args
2020-09-08 20:53:25BTaskayasetrecipients: + BTaskaya, gvanrossum, rhettinger, lys.nikolaou, pablogsal
2020-09-08 20:53:25BTaskayasetmessageid: <>
2020-09-08 20:53:25BTaskayalinkissue41746 messages
2020-09-08 20:53:25BTaskayacreate