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Author guijarro
Recipients guijarro
Date 2020-08-27.10:28:19
SpamBayes Score -1.0
Marked as misclassified Yes
Message-id <>

This is more a question/proposal than a real issue. I apologize in
advance if this has already been debated or if it is not relevant.

I noticed `setdefault` method of mutable mapping objects is returning
the default value as passed in the call, when applicable, without
passing through `__getitem__`.

I think it would be more "symmetric" if it would return the default
value set by `__setitem__` via `__getitem__`. This would handle the
case of a custom MutableMapping defining a custom behaviour of
`__setitem__` and `__getitem__`.

Of course, in my case finally I overloaded `setdefault` to do this,
but it might be worth in general, at least for the MutableMapping

Date User Action Args
2020-08-27 10:28:20guijarrosetrecipients: + guijarro
2020-08-27 10:28:20guijarrosetmessageid: <>
2020-08-27 10:28:20guijarrolinkissue41647 messages
2020-08-27 10:28:19guijarrocreate