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Author epaine
Recipients epaine, gpolo, j.lahav, serhiy.storchaka
Date 2020-08-25.13:29:34
SpamBayes Score -1.0
Marked as misclassified Yes
Message-id <>
I am struggling to reproduce. On Linux the window shows exactly as expected (it does take a while to close, though, which is understandable) and on Windows the window never shows (it gets stuck before the mainloop). This is, however, not a tkinter problem as I get exactly the same result on each platform running the following equivalent Tcl in Wish:

for {set i 0} {$i < 10000} {incr i} {
    ttk::label ".l$i" -text problematic
grid [ttk::label .lb -text {now you see me}]

A similar issue was reported in #37673. If you *need* lots of widgets (e.g. a large table) I would suggest lazy loading them instead of trying to render them all at load. Thank you for reporting this issue but it should be closed as third-party.

A note for future: please could you include information about your environment (Python version, Tk patchlevel, OS, etc.) so it is easier for the problem to be narrowed down (again, thank you for reporting this issue).
Date User Action Args
2020-08-25 13:29:34epainesetrecipients: + epaine, gpolo, serhiy.storchaka, j.lahav
2020-08-25 13:29:34epainesetmessageid: <>
2020-08-25 13:29:34epainelinkissue41632 messages
2020-08-25 13:29:34epainecreate