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Author veky
Recipients docs@python, email0.ya, steven.daprano, veky
Date 2020-08-19.20:19:29
SpamBayes Score -1.0
Marked as misclassified Yes
Message-id <>
First, what you wrote with if...else is _not_ "if clause". It's a conditional expression. You'll recognize them easily if you remember that "if clause" in comprehensions never has an "else", while conditional expression always does.

Second, speed is just one of many, many criteria by which we evaluate programs. If only speed matters to you, you probably shouldn't be writing in Python at all. There are much faster languages.
Date User Action Args
2020-08-19 20:19:29vekysetrecipients: + veky, steven.daprano, docs@python, email0.ya
2020-08-19 20:19:29vekysetmessageid: <>
2020-08-19 20:19:29vekylinkissue41590 messages
2020-08-19 20:19:29vekycreate