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Author corona10
Recipients berker.peksag, corona10, serhiy.storchaka, xtreak
Date 2020-06-02.10:41:15
SpamBayes Score -1.0
Marked as misclassified Yes
Message-id <>
I ping some of the core developers who recently work on this module.
Sorry if this topic is not interesting to you :(

I want to listen to how about provide this API as the stdlib API.
Three things I'd like to appeal through this proposal.

1. It will provide based on a more precise way.
2. There is a good standard(whatwg) in which format will be supported.
3. I am eager to maintain this module as the active core developer.
Date User Action Args
2020-06-02 10:41:15corona10setrecipients: + corona10, berker.peksag, serhiy.storchaka, xtreak
2020-06-02 10:41:15corona10setmessageid: <>
2020-06-02 10:41:15corona10linkissue40841 messages
2020-06-02 10:41:15corona10create