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Author cs-cordero
Recipients cs-cordero
Date 2020-05-20.19:28:14
SpamBayes Score -1.0
Marked as misclassified Yes
Message-id <>
Frozensets disallow the .update and the .__ior__ methods from being used, but allows the |= operator, which I think is inconsistent with the disallowed methods†.

foo = frozenset()
print(foo)             # frozenset()
foo.update({"hello"})  # AttributeError, expected
foo.__ior__({"hello"}) # AttributeError, expected
foo |= {"hello"}       # No error
print(foo)             # frozenset({"hello"})
Date User Action Args
2020-05-20 19:28:14cs-corderosetrecipients: + cs-cordero
2020-05-20 19:28:14cs-corderosetmessageid: <>
2020-05-20 19:28:14cs-corderolinkissue40702 messages
2020-05-20 19:28:14cs-corderocreate