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Author Anthony Sottile
Recipients Anthony Sottile, Chris Billington, Ivan.Pozdeev, Michel Desmoulin, Peter L3, SilentGhost, __Vano, aroberge, barry, brett.cannon, cheryl.sabella, christian.heimes, eric.smith, eric.snow, ethan smith, ionelmc, jaraco, matrixise, mhammond, miss-islington, ncoghlan, nedbat, pitrou, qix-, steve.dower, takluyver, terry.reedy, veky, yan12125
Date 2020-05-12.14:10:01
SpamBayes Score -1.0
Marked as misclassified Yes
Message-id <>
fwiw virtualenv 20.x uses `.pth` now as well to fix some issues with `venv`-based environments
Date User Action Args
2020-05-12 14:10:01Anthony Sottilesetrecipients: + Anthony Sottile, mhammond, barry, brett.cannon, terry.reedy, jaraco, ncoghlan, pitrou, eric.smith, christian.heimes, nedbat, aroberge, ionelmc, SilentGhost, __Vano, eric.snow, takluyver, steve.dower, matrixise, veky, Ivan.Pozdeev, yan12125, Michel Desmoulin, ethan smith, cheryl.sabella, miss-islington, Chris Billington, Peter L3, qix-
2020-05-12 14:10:01Anthony Sottilesetmessageid: <>
2020-05-12 14:10:01Anthony Sottilelinkissue33944 messages
2020-05-12 14:10:01Anthony Sottilecreate