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Author gvanrossum
Recipients BTaskaya, Peter Ludemann, carljm, corona10, eric.snow, gregory.p.smith, gvanrossum, hroncok
Date 2020-04-30.18:31:34
SpamBayes Score -1.0
Marked as misclassified Yes
Message-id <>
A "What's New" entry would go into Doc/whatsnew/3.9.rst and is much more visible to users looking for exciting bits in the new release (the NEWS file is very large, see e.g.

The What's New doc typically has a section collecting all the deprecations, e.g.
Date User Action Args
2020-04-30 18:31:34gvanrossumsetrecipients: + gvanrossum, gregory.p.smith, carljm, eric.snow, hroncok, corona10, BTaskaya, Peter Ludemann
2020-04-30 18:31:34gvanrossumsetmessageid: <>
2020-04-30 18:31:34gvanrossumlinkissue40360 messages
2020-04-30 18:31:34gvanrossumcreate