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Author gvanrossum
Recipients aronacher, asvetlov, bar.harel, docs@python, gvanrossum, hynek, xtreak, yselivanov
Date 2020-04-27.16:16:01
SpamBayes Score -1.0
Marked as misclassified Yes
Message-id <>
Reopening so as to give the OP one more chance to state their case. They wrote:

You've immediately closed the issue so I couldn't even reply to it,
Unfortunately, it doesn't return a Future object at all, so technically you're wrong, together with the docs of course, which was the bug I reported...

If it's not a Future then what? You're not showing that in your report.
Date User Action Args
2020-04-27 16:16:01gvanrossumsetrecipients: + gvanrossum, aronacher, asvetlov, docs@python, hynek, yselivanov, bar.harel, xtreak
2020-04-27 16:16:01gvanrossumsetmessageid: <>
2020-04-27 16:16:01gvanrossumlinkissue40405 messages
2020-04-27 16:16:01gvanrossumcreate