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Author r3owen
Recipients r3owen
Date 2020-03-19.19:14:58
SpamBayes Score -1.0
Marked as misclassified Yes
Message-id <>
It is becoming common (at least in astronomy) to want to use TAI as a time standard because it is a uniform time with no leap seconds, and differs from UTC (standard computer clock time) by an integer number of seconds that occasionally changes.

Linux offers a clock for TAI time: CLOCK_TAI. It would be very helpful to have this constant in the time module, e.g. for calling time.clock_gettime

Caveat: linux CLOCK_TAI will return UTC time if the leap second table has not been set up. Both ntp and ptp can be configured to maintain this table. So this is a caveat worth mentioning in the docs. But I hope it is not sufficient reason to deny the request.
Date User Action Args
2020-03-19 19:14:59r3owensetrecipients: + r3owen
2020-03-19 19:14:59r3owensetmessageid: <>
2020-03-19 19:14:59r3owenlinkissue40017 messages
2020-03-19 19:14:58r3owencreate