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Author nobody
Date 2001-04-23.22:39:48
SpamBayes Score
Marked as misclassified
This allows for class methods to be called statically 
without the need for workaround abuse as described in 
the python FAQ (or any other method involving grabbing 
the "im_func" member from an unbound method object).

This patch changes the "call_method" function in 
ceval.c. It removes the improper 'class type 
enforcement' on unbound method objects and just passes 
the arguments as is.

This allows for natural and clean static methods 
inside classes.

The only thing potentially broken with this patch is a 
looser guarantee that the "self" value for a method 
would be some inherited type instance. This is far 
less 'dangerous for abuse' than other python class 
designs (no private members, etc).

With this the static method example in the FAQ is much 
more cleanly realized. notice, no "self" member for 
static methods...

class C:
    count = 0   
    def __init__(self):
        C.count += 1
    def getcount():
        return C.count 
    def sum(x, y):
        return x + y
C(); C()
c = C()
print C.getcount()  # prints 3
print c.getcount()  # prints 3
print C.sum(27, 15) # prints 42
Date User Action Args
2007-08-23 15:04:53adminlinkissue418390 messages
2007-08-23 15:04:53admincreate