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Author blastwave
Recipients blastwave
Date 2020-02-21.16:11:51
SpamBayes Score -1.0
Marked as misclassified Yes
Message-id <>
The testsuite fails badly with a SIGBUS thus : 

0:01:37 load avg: 2.81 [ 26/423/1] test_frozen passed
0:01:40 load avg: 2.77 [ 27/423/1] test_eof passed -- running: test_importlib (31.7 sec), test_socket (31.2 sec)
0:01:41 load avg: 2.75 [ 28/423/1] test_poplib passed -- running: test_importlib (32.8 sec), test_socket (32.2 sec)
0:01:45 load avg: 2.71 [ 29/423/1] test_aifc passed -- running: test_importlib (37.2 sec), test_socket (36.7 sec)
0:01:46 load avg: 2.71 [ 30/423/1] test_unicode_file_functions passed -- running: test_importlib (37.8 sec), test_socket (37.2 sec)
0:01:51 load avg: 2.71 [ 31/423/1] test_listcomps passed -- running: test_importlib (42.9 sec), test_socket (42.4 sec)
0:01:54 load avg: 2.75 [ 32/423/1] test_asdl_parser passed -- running: test_importlib (46.0 sec), test_socket (45.4 sec)
0:01:57 load avg: 2.77 [ 33/423/1] test_richcmp passed -- running: test_importlib (49.1 sec), test_socket (48.6 sec)
0:02:01 load avg: 2.78 [ 34/423/1] test_importlib passed (48.3 sec) -- running: test_socket (51.8 sec)
0:02:04 load avg: 2.76 [ 35/423/1] test_rlcompleter passed -- running: test_socket (55.6 sec)
0:02:08 load avg: 2.75 [ 36/423/1] test_sys_setprofile passed -- running: test_socket (59.0 sec)
0:02:16 load avg: 2.72 [ 37/423/1] test_tuple passed -- running: test_socket (1 min 7 sec), test_capi (31.0 sec)
0:02:39 load avg: 2.73 [ 38/423/1] test_c_locale_coercion passed -- running: test_ast (31.4 sec), test_socket (1 min 30 sec), test_capi (53.8 sec)
0:02:44 load avg: 2.76 [ 39/423/1] test_symtable passed -- running: test_ast (36.6 sec), test_socket (1 min 35 sec), test_capi (58.9 sec)
0:03:01 load avg: 2.88 [ 40/423/1] test_ast passed (51.2 sec) -- running: test_socket (1 min 52 sec), test_capi (1 min 15 sec)
0:03:04 load avg: 2.89 [ 41/423/1] test_pow passed -- running: test_socket (1 min 55 sec), test_capi (1 min 18 sec)
0:03:19 load avg: 2.90 [ 42/423/1] test_http_cookiejar passed -- running: test_socket (2 min 10 sec), test_capi (1 min 33 sec)
0:03:21 load avg: 2.88 [ 43/423/1] test_defaultdict passed -- running: test_socket (2 min 12 sec), test_capi (1 min 36 sec)
0:03:24 load avg: 2.86 [ 44/423/1] test_winconsoleio skipped -- running: test_socket (2 min 15 sec), test_capi (1 min 38 sec)
test_winconsoleio skipped -- test only relevant on win32
0:03:34 load avg: 2.77 [ 45/423/1] test_cprofile passed -- running: test_socket (2 min 25 sec), test_capi (1 min 48 sec)
0:03:37 load avg: 2.75 [ 46/423/1] test_nntplib passed -- running: test_socket (2 min 28 sec), test_capi (1 min 51 sec)
0:03:42 load avg: 2.74 [ 47/423/1] test_xml_dom_minicompat passed -- running: test_socket (2 min 33 sec), test_capi (1 min 56 sec)
0:03:46 load avg: 2.77 [ 48/423/1] test_pkgimport passed -- running: test_socket (2 min 37 sec), test_capi (2 min)
0:04:00 load avg: 2.80 [ 49/423/1] test_timeout passed -- running: test_socket (2 min 51 sec), test_capi (2 min 14 sec)
0:04:04 load avg: 2.78 [ 50/423/1] test_pkg passed -- running: test_socket (2 min 54 sec), test_capi (2 min 18 sec)
0:04:09 load avg: 2.79 [ 51/423/1] test_mimetypes passed -- running: test_support (34.9 sec), test_socket (2 min 59 sec), test_capi (2 min 23 sec)
0:04:18 load avg: 2.85 [ 52/423/1] test_base64 passed -- running: test_support (44.1 sec), test_socket (3 min 9 sec), test_capi (2 min 32 sec)
0:04:23 load avg: 2.88 [ 53/423/1] test_metaclass passed -- running: test_support (48.9 sec), test_socket (3 min 13 sec), test_capi (2 min 37 sec)
0:04:24 load avg: 2.89 [ 54/423/2] test_timeit crashed (Exit code 1) -- running: test_support (50.4 sec), test_socket (3 min 15 sec), test_capi (2 min 38 sec)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/local/build/Python-3.8.1/Lib/", line 193, in _run_module_as_main
  File "/usr/local/build/Python-3.8.1/Lib/", line 86, in _run_code
  File "/usr/local/build/Python-3.8.1/Lib/test/", line 14, in <module>
  File "/usr/local/build/Python-3.8.1/Lib/test/libregrtest/", line 1, in <module>
  File "/usr/local/build/Python-3.8.1/Lib/test/libregrtest/", line 4, in <module>
  File "/usr/local/build/Python-3.8.1/Lib/test/support/", line 6, in <module>
  File "/usr/local/build/Python-3.8.1/Lib/asyncio/", line 8, in <module>
  File "/usr/local/build/Python-3.8.1/Lib/asyncio/", line 45, in <module>
  File "/usr/local/build/Python-3.8.1/Lib/asyncio/", line 10, in <module>
  File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 991, in _find_and_load
  File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 975, in _find_and_load_unlocked
  File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 671, in _load_unlocked
  File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 779, in exec_module
  File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 874, in get_code
  File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 972, in get_data
Warning -- regrtest worker thread failed: Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/local/build/Python-3.8.1/Lib/test/libregrtest/", line 264, in run
    mp_result = self._runtest(test_name)
  File "/usr/local/build/Python-3.8.1/Lib/test/libregrtest/", line 229, in _runtest
    retcode, stdout, stderr = self._run_process(test_name)
  File "/usr/local/build/Python-3.8.1/Lib/test/libregrtest/", line 174, in _run_process
    popen = run_test_in_subprocess(test_name, self.ns)
  File "/usr/local/build/Python-3.8.1/Lib/test/libregrtest/", line 62, in run_test_in_subprocess
    return subprocess.Popen(cmd,
  File "/usr/local/build/Python-3.8.1/Lib/", line 854, in __init__
    self._execute_child(args, executable, preexec_fn, close_fds,
  File "/usr/local/build/Python-3.8.1/Lib/", line 1637, in _execute_child = _posixsubprocess.fork_exec(
OSError: [Errno 12] Not enough space

Kill <TestWorkerProcess #1 running test=test_support pid=5376 time=50.4 sec>
Kill <TestWorkerProcess #3 running test=test_socket pid=5242 time=3 min 15 sec>
Kill <TestWorkerProcess #4 running test=test_capi pid=5258 time=2 min 38 sec>

== Tests result: FAILURE ==

369 tests omitted:
    test___all__ test___future__ test__locale test__opcode
    test__osx_support test__xxsubinterpreters test_abc
    test_abstract_numbers test_argparse test_array test_asyncgen
    test_asynchat test_asyncio test_asyncore test_atexit test_audioop
    test_audit test_augassign test_baseexception test_bdb
    test_bigaddrspace test_binascii test_binhex test_binop test_bisect
    test_bool test_buffer test_bufio test_builtin test_bytes test_bz2
    test_calendar test_call test_capi test_cgi test_charmapcodec
    test_class test_clinic test_cmath test_cmd test_cmd_line
    test_cmd_line_script test_code_module test_codeccallbacks
    test_codecencodings_cn test_codecencodings_hk
    test_codecencodings_iso2022 test_codecencodings_jp
    test_codecencodings_kr test_codecencodings_tw test_codecmaps_cn
    test_codecmaps_hk test_codecmaps_jp test_codecmaps_kr
    test_codecmaps_tw test_codecs test_codeop test_collections
    test_colorsys test_compare test_compile test_compileall
    test_concurrent_futures test_configparser test_contains
    test_context test_contextlib test_contextlib_async test_copy
    test_copyreg test_coroutines test_crashers test_crypt test_csv
    test_ctypes test_curses test_dataclasses test_datetime test_dbm
    test_dbm_dumb test_dbm_gnu test_dbm_ndbm test_decimal
    test_decorators test_deque test_descr test_devpoll
    test_dict_version test_dictcomps test_dictviews test_difflib
    test_distutils test_doctest test_doctest2 test_docxmlrpc
    test_dtrace test_dummy_thread test_dummy_threading test_dynamic
    test_dynamicclassattribute test_eintr test_email test_embed
    test_enum test_enumerate test_epoll test_exception_hierarchy
    test_exception_variations test_exceptions test_extcall
    test_faulthandler test_fcntl test_file test_file_eintr
    test_filecmp test_fileinput test_fileio test_finalization
    test_float test_flufl test_fnmatch test_fork1 test_format
    test_fractions test_frame test_fstring test_ftplib test_functools
    test_future test_future3 test_future4 test_future5 test_gc
    test_gdb test_generator_stop test_generators test_genericclass
    test_genericpath test_genexps test_getargs2 test_getopt
    test_gettext test_glob test_global test_grammar test_grp test_gzip
    test_hash test_heapq test_hmac test_html test_htmlparser
    test_http_cookies test_httplib test_httpservers test_idle
    test_imaplib test_imghdr test_imp test_import test_index
    test_inspect test_int test_int_literal test_io test_ioctl
    test_ipaddress test_isinstance test_iter test_iterlen
    test_itertools test_json test_keyword test_keywordonlyarg
    test_kqueue test_largefile test_lib2to3 test_linecache test_list
    test_lltrace test_locale test_logging test_long test_lzma
    test_mailbox test_mailcap test_marshal test_math test_memoryio
    test_memoryview test_minidom test_mmap test_module
    test_modulefinder test_multibytecodec test_multiprocessing_fork
    test_multiprocessing_forkserver test_multiprocessing_main_handling
    test_multiprocessing_spawn test_named_expressions test_netrc
    test_nis test_normalization test_ntpath test_numeric_tower
    test_opcodes test_openpty test_ordered_dict test_os
    test_ossaudiodev test_osx_env test_parser test_pathlib test_pdb
    test_peepholer test_pickle test_picklebuffer test_pickletools
    test_pipes test_pkgutil test_platform test_plistlib test_poll
    test_popen test_positional_only_arg test_posix test_posixpath
    test_pprint test_print test_profile test_property test_pstats
    test_pty test_pulldom test_pwd test_py_compile test_pyclbr
    test_pydoc test_pyexpat test_queue test_quopri test_raise
    test_random test_range test_re test_readline test_regrtest
    test_repl test_reprlib test_resource test_robotparser test_sax
    test_sched test_scope test_secrets test_select test_selectors
    test_setcomps test_shelve test_shutil test_signal test_site
    test_slice test_smtpd test_smtplib test_smtpnet test_sndhdr
    test_socket test_socketserver test_sort test_source_encoding
    test_sqlite test_ssl test_startfile test_statistics test_strftime
    test_string test_string_literals test_stringprep test_strptime
    test_strtod test_struct test_structmembers test_structseq
    test_subclassinit test_subprocess test_sunau test_sundry
    test_super test_support test_symbol test_syntax test_sys
    test_sys_settrace test_sysconfig test_syslog test_tabnanny
    test_tarfile test_tcl test_telnetlib test_textwrap test_thread
    test_threaded_import test_threadedtempfile test_threading
    test_threading_local test_threadsignals test_time test_tix test_tk
    test_tokenize test_tools test_trace test_traceback
    test_tracemalloc test_ttk_guionly test_ttk_textonly test_turtle
    test_type_comments test_typechecks test_typing test_ucn test_unary
    test_unicode test_unicode_file test_unicode_identifiers
    test_unicodedata test_unittest test_univnewlines test_unpack
    test_unpack_ex test_urllib test_urllib2 test_urllib2_localnet
    test_urllib2net test_urllib_response test_urllibnet test_urlparse
    test_userdict test_userlist test_userstring test_utf8_mode
    test_utf8source test_uu test_venv test_wait3 test_wait4
    test_warnings test_wave test_weakref test_weakset test_webbrowser
    test_winreg test_winsound test_with test_wsgiref test_xdrlib
    test_xml_etree test_xml_etree_c test_xmlrpc test_xmlrpc_net
    test_xxtestfuzz test_yield_from test_zipapp test_zipfile
    test_zipfile64 test_zipimport test_zipimport_support test_zlib

50 tests OK.

2 tests failed:
    test_hashlib test_timeit

2 tests skipped:
    test_msilib test_winconsoleio
0:04:25 load avg: 2.89
0:04:25 load avg: 2.89 Re-running failed tests in verbose mode
0:04:25 load avg: 2.89 Re-running test_hashlib in verbose mode
test_algorithms_available (test.test_hashlib.HashLibTestCase) ... ok
test_algorithms_guaranteed (test.test_hashlib.HashLibTestCase) ... ok
test_blake2b (test.test_hashlib.HashLibTestCase) ... Fatal Python error: Bus error

Current thread 0x0000000000000001 (most recent call first):
  File "/usr/local/build/Python-3.8.1/Lib/test/", line 570 in check_blake2
  File "/usr/local/build/Python-3.8.1/Lib/test/", line 647 in test_blake2b
  File "/usr/local/build/Python-3.8.1/Lib/unittest/", line 633 in _callTestMethod
  File "/usr/local/build/Python-3.8.1/Lib/unittest/", line 676 in run
  File "/usr/local/build/Python-3.8.1/Lib/unittest/", line 736 in __call__
  File "/usr/local/build/Python-3.8.1/Lib/unittest/", line 122 in run
  File "/usr/local/build/Python-3.8.1/Lib/unittest/", line 84 in __call__
  File "/usr/local/build/Python-3.8.1/Lib/unittest/", line 122 in run
  File "/usr/local/build/Python-3.8.1/Lib/unittest/", line 84 in __call__
  File "/usr/local/build/Python-3.8.1/Lib/unittest/", line 122 in run
  File "/usr/local/build/Python-3.8.1/Lib/unittest/", line 84 in __call__
  File "/usr/local/build/Python-3.8.1/Lib/unittest/", line 176 in run
  File "/usr/local/build/Python-3.8.1/Lib/test/support/", line 2030 in _run_suite
  File "/usr/local/build/Python-3.8.1/Lib/test/support/", line 2126 in run_unittest
  File "/usr/local/build/Python-3.8.1/Lib/test/libregrtest/", line 209 in _test_module
  File "/usr/local/build/Python-3.8.1/Lib/test/libregrtest/", line 234 in _runtest_inner2
  File "/usr/local/build/Python-3.8.1/Lib/test/libregrtest/", line 270 in _runtest_inner
  File "/usr/local/build/Python-3.8.1/Lib/test/libregrtest/", line 153 in _runtest
  File "/usr/local/build/Python-3.8.1/Lib/test/libregrtest/", line 193 in runtest
  File "/usr/local/build/Python-3.8.1/Lib/test/libregrtest/", line 318 in rerun_failed_tests
  File "/usr/local/build/Python-3.8.1/Lib/test/libregrtest/", line 691 in _main
  File "/usr/local/build/Python-3.8.1/Lib/test/libregrtest/", line 634 in main
  File "/usr/local/build/Python-3.8.1/Lib/test/libregrtest/", line 712 in main
  File "/usr/local/build/Python-3.8.1/Lib/test/", line 2 in <module>
  File "/usr/local/build/Python-3.8.1/Lib/", line 86 in _run_code
  File "/usr/local/build/Python-3.8.1/Lib/", line 193 in _run_module_as_main
Bus Error - core dumped
gmake: *** [Makefile:1130: test] Error 138
alpha$ LD_LIBRARY_PATH=`pwd` dbx ./python time_1582294871-pid_2858-uid_16411-gid_20002-fid_python.per-process-core
Reading python
core file header read successfully
t@1 (l@1) program terminated by signal BUS (Bus Error)
0xffffffff7d3dccbc: __lwp_kill+0x0008:  bcc,a,pt  %icc,__lwp_kill+0x18  ! 0xffffffff7d3dcccc
Current function is faulthandler_fatal_error
  361       raise(signum);
(dbx) where                                                                                                                      
current thread: t@1
  [1] __lwp_kill(0x0, 0xa, 0x10010bc20, 0xffffffff7e9c2190, 0xffffffff7d700200, 0x0), at 0xffffffff7d3dccbc 
  [2] raise(0xa, 0xffffffff7d54f7b4, 0x0, 0xffffffff7ea8f985, 0xa, 0x80808080), at 0xffffffff7d3744d4 
=>[3] faulthandler_fatal_error(signum = 10), line 361 in "faulthandler.c"
  [4] __sighndlr(0xa, 0x0, 0x10015a020, 0xffffffff7e9c1f30, 0x0, 0x0), at 0xffffffff7d3d8d6c 
  ---- called from signal handler with signal 10 (SIGBUS) ------
  [5] blake2b_increment_counter(S = 0xffffffff7ffc304a, inc = 0), line 77 in "blake2b-ref.c"
  [6] PyBlake2_blake2b_final(S = 0xffffffff7ffc304a, out = 0xffffffff7ffc31b0 "ÿÿÿÿw¡�
 ÿÿÿÿw¡ç^Pÿÿÿÿwq\x9b°ÿÿÿÿ|P", outlen = 64U), line 339 in "blake2b-ref.c"
  [7] _blake2_blake2b_hexdigest_impl(self = 0xffffffff71535220), line 332 in "blake2b_impl.c"
  [8] _blake2_blake2b_hexdigest(self = 0xffffffff71535220, _unused_ignored = (nil)), line 262 in "blake2b_impl.c.h"
  [9] method_vectorcall_NOARGS(func = 0xffffffff77a1e830, args = 0x10046a118, nargsf = 9223372036854775809U, kwnames = (nil)), line 393 in "descrobject.c"
  [10] _PyObject_Vectorcall(callable = 0xffffffff77a1e830, args = 0x10046a118, nargsf = 9223372036854775809U, kwnames = (nil)), line 127 in "abstract.h"
  [11] call_function(tstate = 0x10010bc20, pp_stack = 0xffffffff7ffc5000, oparg = 1, kwnames = (nil)), line 4987 in "ceval.c"
  [12] _PyEval_EvalFrameDefault(f = 0x100469f40, throwflag = 0), line 3486 in "ceval.c"
  [13] PyEval_EvalFrameEx(f = 0x100469f40, throwflag = 0), line 741 in "ceval.c"
  [14] function_code_fastcall(co = 0xffffffff72d19ee0, args = 0xffffffff715327e0, nargs = 7, globals = 0xffffffff72d03bf0), line 283 in "call.c"
  [15] _PyFunction_Vectorcall(func = 0xffffffff72b12190, stack = 0xffffffff715327a8, nargsf = 9223372036854775815U, kwnames = (nil)), line 410 in "call.c"
  [16] _PyObject_Vectorcall(callable = 0xffffffff72b12190, args = 0xffffffff715327a8, nargsf = 9223372036854775815U, kwnames = (nil)), line 127 in "abstract.h"
  [17] call_function(tstate = 0x10010bc20, pp_stack = 0xffffffff7ffc7130, oparg = 7, kwnames = (nil)), line 4987 in "ceval.c"
  [18] _PyEval_EvalFrameDefault(f = 0xffffffff71532620, throwflag = 0), line 3486 in "ceval.c"
  [19] PyEval_EvalFrameEx(f = 0xffffffff71532620, throwflag = 0), line 741 in "ceval.c"
  [20] function_code_fastcall(co = 0xffffffff72d0b1e0, args = 0xffffffff7152fbf0, nargs = 1, globals = 0xffffffff72d03bf0), line 283 in "call.c"
  [21] _PyFunction_Vectorcall(func = 0xffffffff72b122d0, stack = 0xffffffff7152fbe8, nargsf = 1U, kwnames = (nil)), line 410 in "call.c"
  [22] _PyObject_Vectorcall(callable = 0xffffffff72b122d0, args = 0xffffffff7152fbe8, nargsf = 1U, kwnames = (nil)), line 127 in "abstract.h"
  [23] method_vectorcall(method = 0xffffffff72805650, args = 0xffffffff7152fbf0, nargsf = 9223372036854775808U, kwnames = (nil)), line 60 in "classobject.c"
  [24] _PyObject_Vectorcall(callable = 0xffffffff72805650, args = 0xffffffff7152fbf0, nargsf = 9223372036854775808U, kwnames = (nil)), line 127 in "abstract.h"
  [25] call_function(tstate = 0x10010bc20, pp_stack = 0xffffffff7ffc94e0, oparg = 0, kwnames = (nil)), line 4987 in "ceval.c"
  [26] _PyEval_EvalFrameDefault(f = 0xffffffff7152fa70, throwflag = 0), line 3500 in "ceval.c"
  [27] PyEval_EvalFrameEx(f = 0xffffffff7152fa70, throwflag = 0), line 741 in "ceval.c"
  [28] function_code_fastcall(co = 0xffffffff73915520, args = 0x10048e990, nargs = 2, globals = 0xffffffff73902290), line 283 in "call.c"
  [29] _PyFunction_Vectorcall(func = 0xffffffff73816730, stack = 0x10048e980, nargsf = 9223372036854775810U, kwnames = (nil)), line 410 in "call.c"
  [30] _PyObject_Vectorcall(callable = 0xffffffff73816730, args = 0x10048e980, nargsf = 9223372036854775810U, kwnames = (nil)), line 127 in "abstract.h"
  [31] call_function(tstate = 0x10010bc20, pp_stack = 0xffffffff7ffcb610, oparg = 2, kwnames = (nil)), line 4987 in "ceval.c"
  [32] _PyEval_EvalFrameDefault(f = 0x10048e7a0, throwflag = 0), line 3486 in "ceval.c"
  [33] PyEval_EvalFrameEx(f = 0x10048e7a0, throwflag = 0), line 741 in "ceval.c"
  [34] _PyEval_EvalCodeWithName(_co = 0xffffffff73915790, globals = 0xffffffff73902290, locals = (nil), args = 0xffffffff7ffcbf30, argcount = 2, kwnames = (nil), kwargs = 0xffffffff7ffcbf40, kwcount = 0, kwstep = 1, defs = 0xffffffff7391e838, defcount = 1, kwdefs = (nil), closure = (nil), name = 0xffffffff7c412450, qualname = 0xffffffff73914d60), line 4298 in "ceval.c"
  [35] _PyFunction_Vectorcall(func = 0xffffffff73816910, stack = 0xffffffff7ffcbf30, nargsf = 2U, kwnames = (nil)), line 441 in "call.c"
  [36] _PyObject_Vectorcall(callable = 0xffffffff73816910, args = 0xffffffff7ffcbf30, nargsf = 2U, kwnames = (nil)), line 127 in "abstract.h"
  [37] method_vectorcall(method = 0xffffffff7b5162f0, args = 0xffffffff72b0a068, nargsf = 1U, kwnames = (nil)), line 89 in "classobject.c"
  [38] PyVectorcall_Call(callable = 0xffffffff7b5162f0, tuple = 0xffffffff72b0a050, kwargs = 0xffffffff72b16050), line 199 in "call.c"
  [39] PyObject_Call(callable = 0xffffffff7b5162f0, args = 0xffffffff72b0a050, kwargs = 0xffffffff72b16050), line 227 in "call.c"
  [40] do_call_core(tstate = 0x10010bc20, func = 0xffffffff7b5162f0, callargs = 0xffffffff72b0a050, kwdict = 0xffffffff72b16050), line 5034 in "ceval.c"
  [41] _PyEval_EvalFrameDefault(f = 0xffffffff71531220, throwflag = 0), line 3559 in "ceval.c"
  [42] PyEval_EvalFrameEx(f = 0xffffffff71531220, throwflag = 0), line 741 in "ceval.c"
  [43] _PyEval_EvalCodeWithName(_co = 0xffffffff73915a00, globals = 0xffffffff73902290, locals = (nil), args = 0xffffffff7ffce700, argcount = 2, kwnames = (nil), kwargs = 0xffffffff7ffce710, kwcount = 0, kwstep = 1, defs = (nil), defcount = 0, kwdefs = (nil), closure = (nil), name = 0xffffffff7c501340, qualname = 0xffffffff73914f40), line 4298 in "ceval.c"
  [44] _PyFunction_Vectorcall(func = 0xffffffff73816af0, stack = 0xffffffff7ffce700, nargsf = 2U, kwnames = (nil)), line 441 in "call.c"
  [45] _PyObject_FastCallDict(callable = 0xffffffff73816af0, args = 0xffffffff7ffce700, nargsf = 2U, kwargs = (nil)), line 96 in "call.c"
  [46] _PyObject_Call_Prepend(callable = 0xffffffff73816af0, obj = 0xffffffff72b175a0, args = 0xffffffff72b0a4b0, kwargs = (nil)), line 889 in "call.c"
  [47] slot_tp_call(self = 0xffffffff72b175a0, args = 0xffffffff72b0a4b0, kwds = (nil)), line 6521 in "typeobject.c"
  [48] _PyObject_MakeTpCall(callable = 0xffffffff72b175a0, args = 0xffffffff7152ed98, nargs = 1, keywords = (nil)), line 159 in "call.c"
  [49] _PyObject_Vectorcall(callable = 0xffffffff72b175a0, args = 0xffffffff7152ed98, nargsf = 9223372036854775809U, kwnames = (nil)), line 125 in "abstract.h"
  [50] call_function(tstate = 0x10010bc20, pp_stack = 0xffffffff7ffd05a0, oparg = 1, kwnames = (nil)), line 4987 in "ceval.c"
  [51] _PyEval_EvalFrameDefault(f = 0xffffffff7152ebf0, throwflag = 0), line 3500 in "ceval.c"
  [52] PyEval_EvalFrameEx(f = 0xffffffff7152ebf0, throwflag = 0), line 741 in "ceval.c"
  [53] _PyEval_EvalCodeWithName(_co = 0xffffffff73926930, globals = 0xffffffff739020b0, locals = (nil), args = 0xffffffff7ffd0ec0, argcount = 2, kwnames = (nil), kwargs = 0xffffffff7ffd0ed0, kwcount = 0, kwstep = 1, defs = 0xffffffff738198d8, defcount = 1, kwdefs = (nil), closure = (nil), name = 0xffffffff7c412450, qualname = 0xffffffff7381adc0), line 4298 in "ceval.c"
  [54] _PyFunction_Vectorcall(func = 0xffffffff7381cb90, stack = 0xffffffff7ffd0ec0, nargsf = 2U, kwnames = (nil)), line 441 in "call.c"
  [55] _PyObject_Vectorcall(callable = 0xffffffff7381cb90, args = 0xffffffff7ffd0ec0, nargsf = 2U, kwnames = (nil)), line 127 in "abstract.h"
  [56] method_vectorcall(method = 0xffffffff79c0d6b0, args = 0xffffffff72616108, nargsf = 1U, kwnames = (nil)), line 89 in "classobject.c"
  [57] PyVectorcall_Call(callable = 0xffffffff79c0d6b0, tuple = 0xffffffff726160f0, kwargs = 0xffffffff7152acb0), line 199 in "call.c"
  [58] PyObject_Call(callable = 0xffffffff79c0d6b0, args = 0xffffffff726160f0, kwargs = 0xffffffff7152acb0), line 227 in "call.c"
  [59] do_call_core(tstate = 0x10010bc20, func = 0xffffffff79c0d6b0, callargs = 0xffffffff726160f0, kwdict = 0xffffffff7152acb0), line 5034 in "ceval.c"
  [60] _PyEval_EvalFrameDefault(f = 0xffffffff72822d00, throwflag = 0), line 3559 in "ceval.c"
  [61] PyEval_EvalFrameEx(f = 0xffffffff72822d00, throwflag = 0), line 741 in "ceval.c"
  [62] _PyEval_EvalCodeWithName(_co = 0xffffffff7390ce10, globals = 0xffffffff739020b0, locals = (nil), args = 0xffffffff7ffd3690, argcount = 2, kwnames = (nil), kwargs = 0xffffffff7ffd36a0, kwcount = 0, kwstep = 1, defs = (nil), defcount = 0, kwdefs = (nil), closure = (nil), name = 0xffffffff7c501340, qualname = 0xffffffff7381aa60), line 4298 in "ceval.c"
  [63] _PyFunction_Vectorcall(func = 0xffffffff7381ca50, stack = 0xffffffff7ffd3690, nargsf = 2U, kwnames = (nil)), line 441 in "call.c"
  [64] _PyObject_FastCallDict(callable = 0xffffffff7381ca50, args = 0xffffffff7ffd3690, nargsf = 2U, kwargs = (nil)), line 96 in "call.c"
  [65] _PyObject_Call_Prepend(callable = 0xffffffff7381ca50, obj = 0xffffffff72b0aaa0, args = 0xffffffff76e21dc0, kwargs = (nil)), line 889 in "call.c"
  [66] slot_tp_call(self = 0xffffffff72b0aaa0, args = 0xffffffff76e21dc0, kwds = (nil)), line 6521 in "typeobject.c"
  [67] _PyObject_MakeTpCall(callable = 0xffffffff72b0aaa0, args = 0xffffffff7152eba8, nargs = 1, keywords = (nil)), line 159 in "call.c"
  [68] _PyObject_Vectorcall(callable = 0xffffffff72b0aaa0, args = 0xffffffff7152eba8, nargsf = 9223372036854775809U, kwnames = (nil)), line 125 in "abstract.h"
  [69] call_function(tstate = 0x10010bc20, pp_stack = 0xffffffff7ffd5530, oparg = 1, kwnames = (nil)), line 4987 in "ceval.c"
  [70] _PyEval_EvalFrameDefault(f = 0xffffffff7152ea00, throwflag = 0), line 3500 in "ceval.c"
  [71] PyEval_EvalFrameEx(f = 0xffffffff7152ea00, throwflag = 0), line 741 in "ceval.c"
  [72] _PyEval_EvalCodeWithName(_co = 0xffffffff73926930, globals = 0xffffffff739020b0, locals = (nil), args = 0xffffffff7ffd5e50, argcount = 2, kwnames = (nil), kwargs = 0xffffffff7ffd5e60, kwcount = 0, kwstep = 1, defs = 0xffffffff738198d8, defcount = 1, kwdefs = (nil), closure = (nil), name = 0xffffffff7c412450, qualname = 0xffffffff7381adc0), line 4298 in "ceval.c"
  [73] _PyFunction_Vectorcall(func = 0xffffffff7381cb90, stack = 0xffffffff7ffd5e50, nargsf = 2U, kwnames = (nil)), line 441 in "call.c"
  [74] _PyObject_Vectorcall(callable = 0xffffffff7381cb90, args = 0xffffffff7ffd5e50, nargsf = 2U, kwnames = (nil)), line 127 in "abstract.h"
  [75] method_vectorcall(method = 0xffffffff72c18410, args = 0xffffffff77c16978, nargsf = 1U, kwnames = (nil)), line 89 in "classobject.c"
  [76] PyVectorcall_Call(callable = 0xffffffff72c18410, tuple = 0xffffffff77c16960, kwargs = 0xffffffff7152abf0), line 199 in "call.c"
  [77] PyObject_Call(callable = 0xffffffff72c18410, args = 0xffffffff77c16960, kwargs = 0xffffffff7152abf0), line 227 in "call.c"
  [78] do_call_core(tstate = 0x10010bc20, func = 0xffffffff72c18410, callargs = 0xffffffff77c16960, kwdict = 0xffffffff7152abf0), line 5034 in "ceval.c"
  [79] _PyEval_EvalFrameDefault(f = 0xffffffff72822b30, throwflag = 0), line 3559 in "ceval.c"
  [80] PyEval_EvalFrameEx(f = 0xffffffff72822b30, throwflag = 0), line 741 in "ceval.c"
  [81] _PyEval_EvalCodeWithName(_co = 0xffffffff7390ce10, globals = 0xffffffff739020b0, locals = (nil), args = 0xffffffff7ffd8620, argcount = 2, kwnames = (nil), kwargs = 0xffffffff7ffd8630, kwcount = 0, kwstep = 1, defs = (nil), defcount = 0, kwdefs = (nil), closure = (nil), name = 0xffffffff7c501340, qualname = 0xffffffff7381aa60), line 4298 in "ceval.c"
  [82] _PyFunction_Vectorcall(func = 0xffffffff7381ca50, stack = 0xffffffff7ffd8620, nargsf = 2U, kwnames = (nil)), line 441 in "call.c"
  [83] _PyObject_FastCallDict(callable = 0xffffffff7381ca50, args = 0xffffffff7ffd8620, nargsf = 2U, kwargs = (nil)), line 96 in "call.c"
  [84] _PyObject_Call_Prepend(callable = 0xffffffff7381ca50, obj = 0xffffffff78e17280, args = 0xffffffff77d30230, kwargs = (nil)), line 889 in "call.c"
  [85] slot_tp_call(self = 0xffffffff78e17280, args = 0xffffffff77d30230, kwds = (nil)), line 6521 in "typeobject.c"
  [86] _PyObject_MakeTpCall(callable = 0xffffffff78e17280, args = 0xffffffff7152e9b8, nargs = 1, keywords = (nil)), line 159 in "call.c"
  [87] _PyObject_Vectorcall(callable = 0xffffffff78e17280, args = 0xffffffff7152e9b8, nargsf = 9223372036854775809U, kwnames = (nil)), line 125 in "abstract.h"
  [88] call_function(tstate = 0x10010bc20, pp_stack = 0xffffffff7ffda4c0, oparg = 1, kwnames = (nil)), line 4987 in "ceval.c"
  [89] _PyEval_EvalFrameDefault(f = 0xffffffff7152e810, throwflag = 0), line 3500 in "ceval.c"
  [90] PyEval_EvalFrameEx(f = 0xffffffff7152e810, throwflag = 0), line 741 in "ceval.c"
  [91] _PyEval_EvalCodeWithName(_co = 0xffffffff73926930, globals = 0xffffffff739020b0, locals = (nil), args = 0xffffffff7ffdade0, argcount = 2, kwnames = (nil), kwargs = 0xffffffff7ffdadf0, kwcount = 0, kwstep = 1, defs = 0xffffffff738198d8, defcount = 1, kwdefs = (nil), closure = (nil), name = 0xffffffff7c412450, qualname = 0xffffffff7381adc0), line 4298 in "ceval.c"
  [92] _PyFunction_Vectorcall(func = 0xffffffff7381cb90, stack = 0xffffffff7ffdade0, nargsf = 2U, kwnames = (nil)), line 441 in "call.c"
  [93] _PyObject_Vectorcall(callable = 0xffffffff7381cb90, args = 0xffffffff7ffdade0, nargsf = 2U, kwnames = (nil)), line 127 in "abstract.h"
  [94] method_vectorcall(method = 0xffffffff76d07c50, args = 0xffffffff76e27ec8, nargsf = 1U, kwnames = (nil)), line 89 in "classobject.c"
  [95] PyVectorcall_Call(callable = 0xffffffff76d07c50, tuple = 0xffffffff76e27eb0, kwargs = 0xffffffff7152ab30), line 199 in "call.c"
  [96] PyObject_Call(callable = 0xffffffff76d07c50, args = 0xffffffff76e27eb0, kwargs = 0xffffffff7152ab30), line 227 in "call.c"
  [97] do_call_core(tstate = 0x10010bc20, func = 0xffffffff76d07c50, callargs = 0xffffffff76e27eb0, kwdict = 0xffffffff7152ab30), line 5034 in "ceval.c"
  [98] _PyEval_EvalFrameDefault(f = 0xffffffff72822960, throwflag = 0), line 3559 in "ceval.c"
  [99] PyEval_EvalFrameEx(f = 0xffffffff72822960, throwflag = 0), line 741 in "ceval.c"
  [100] _PyEval_EvalCodeWithName(_co = 0xffffffff7390ce10, globals = 0xffffffff739020b0, locals = (nil), args = 0xffffffff7ffdd5b0, argcount = 2, kwnames = (nil), kwargs = 0xffffffff7ffdd5c0, kwcount = 0, kwstep = 1, defs = (nil), defcount = 0, kwdefs = (nil), closure = (nil), name = 0xffffffff7c501340, qualname = 0xffffffff7381aa60), line 4298 in "ceval.c"
(dbx) regs
current thread: t@1
current frame:  [3]
g0-g1    0x0000000000000000 0x00000000000000a3
g2-g3    0x0000000000000000 0x0000000000000000
g4-g5    0xffffffff7e9c1f30 0xffffffffff7fffff
g6-g7    0x0000000000000000 0xffffffff7d700200
o0-o1    0x000000000000000a 0xffffffff7d54f7b4
o2-o3    0x0000000000000000 0xffffffff7ea8f985
o4-o5    0x000000000000000a 0x0000000080808080
o6-o7    0x00000001001593d1 0xffffffff7e9c2190
l0-l1    0xffffffff7eb915d8 0x0000000000000000
l2-l3    0x0000000000000000 0x0000000000000000
l4-l5    0x0000000000000000 0x0000000000000000
l6-l7    0x0000000000000000 0x0000000000000000
i0-i1    0x000000000000000a 0x0000000000000000
i2-i3    0x000000010015a020 0x0000000040000000
i4-i5    0xcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcd 0xcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcd
i6-i7    0x00000001001594d1 0xffffffff7d3d8d6c
y        0x0000000000000000
ccr      0x0000000000000098
pc       0xffffffff7e9c2190:faulthandler_fatal_error+0x260    call     _PROCEDURE_LINKAGE_TABLE_+0xc440 [PLT]   ! 0xffffffff7eba5440
npc      0xffffffff7d3dccc0:__lwp_kill+0xc    clr      %o0
(dbx) quit

At this time version 3.8.1 looks to not be portable to big endian risc 
architectures such as Solaris 10 on Fujitsu SPARC-VII+ and perhaps other
systems. I can try on IBM 64-bit Power with FreeBSD and see what happens.
Date User Action Args
2020-02-21 16:11:52blastwavesetrecipients: + blastwave
2020-02-21 16:11:52blastwavesetmessageid: <>
2020-02-21 16:11:52blastwavelinkissue39711 messages
2020-02-21 16:11:51blastwavecreate