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Author Dima.Tisnek
Recipients Dima.Tisnek, asvetlov, fried, lisroach
Date 2020-02-17.02:57:16
SpamBayes Score -1.0
Marked as misclassified Yes
Message-id <>
I think this deserves discussion :)

On one hand, it's a welcome change, on another it's kind of a regression.

Up until 3.8, our tests used to look like this:

# code under test

async def foo():
    return await bar()

# test

async def helper(value):
    return value

async def test_foo():
    with patch("bar", return_value=helper(42)):
        assert await foo() == 42

I feel that the default class `patch()` uses for `new` has crept in too quietly in 3.8.

At the same time, `helper` was only used because there was no `AsyncMock`.
(or at times, a 3rd party library, `asynctest` was used).

So, on one hand, it's a bit of a regression, but on the other, looking ahead, I would really like `unittest.mock` to do the right thing.

Can we have it both ways? If not, what way is a better way?
Date User Action Args
2020-02-17 02:57:16Dima.Tisneksetrecipients: + Dima.Tisnek, asvetlov, fried, lisroach
2020-02-17 02:57:16Dima.Tisneksetmessageid: <>
2020-02-17 02:57:16Dima.Tisneklinkissue38857 messages
2020-02-17 02:57:16Dima.Tisnekcreate