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Author wim.glenn
Recipients docs@python, wim.glenn
Date 2020-01-09.01:02:12
SpamBayes Score -1.0
Marked as misclassified Yes
Message-id <>

Current descriptor how-to guide, above, has no mention about API features added since Python 3.6 (see __set_name__ in PEP 487)

It's an important and useful piece of using descriptors effectively and the guide could be updated to include some info about that. 

There's some info in datamodel.html (e.g. Creating the class object) but a mention in the how-to guide would be welcome too.
Date User Action Args
2020-01-09 01:02:13wim.glennsetrecipients: + wim.glenn, docs@python
2020-01-09 01:02:13wim.glennsetmessageid: <>
2020-01-09 01:02:13wim.glennlinkissue39269 messages
2020-01-09 01:02:12wim.glenncreate