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Author alex.henrie
Recipients alex.henrie
Date 2020-01-06.20:22:48
SpamBayes Score -1.0
Marked as misclassified Yes
Message-id <>
The delta_new function in _datetimemodule.c currently contains the following code:

    /* Round to nearest whole # of us, and add into x. */
    double whole_us = round(leftover_us);
    int x_is_odd;
    PyObject *temp;

    whole_us = round(leftover_us);

The second call to the round function produces the same result as the first call and can therefore be safely eliminated.
Date User Action Args
2020-01-06 20:22:49alex.henriesetrecipients: + alex.henrie
2020-01-06 20:22:49alex.henriesetmessageid: <>
2020-01-06 20:22:49alex.henrielinkissue39237 messages
2020-01-06 20:22:48alex.henriecreate