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Author culler
Recipients culler, terry.reedy
Date 2019-11-21.18:41:20
SpamBayes Score -1.0
Marked as misclassified Yes
Message-id <>
The soon-to-be-released Tcl/Tk 8.6.10 includes some changes to the macOS
port which cause the wm transient command to behave in the way that the
Tk manual says it should:

  "A transient window will mirror state changes in the master and
   inherit the state of the master when initially mapped."

This means that a transient of a withdrawn window will be withdrawn.  In
the macOS version of IDLE the about dialog is assigned as a transient
of the root window which is withdrawn, so the dialog does not appear on
the screen.  Consequently, activating the about menu will cause IDLE
to become unresponsive as it waits for an offscreen window to be closed.

Deleting line 28 in


makes the about dialog behave normally.
Date User Action Args
2019-11-21 18:41:21cullersetrecipients: + culler, terry.reedy
2019-11-21 18:41:21cullersetmessageid: <>
2019-11-21 18:41:20cullerlinkissue38882 messages
2019-11-21 18:41:20cullercreate