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Author pekka.klarck
Recipients pekka.klarck
Date 2019-11-11.14:31:03
SpamBayes Score -1.0
Marked as misclassified Yes
Message-id <>
We have implemented an ast for our own tool so that we extend Python's standard `ast.AST`. When using `ast.dump(node, include_attributes=True)`, we were surprised to notice that line numbers weren't dumped although the docs of `ast.dump()` said they should be and we had set both `lineno` and `end_lineno` attributes to our nodes.

Looking at the implementation of `ast.dump()` revealed that `include_attributes=True` alone wasn't enough, the node also needed to have `_attributes` attribute similarly as it needs to have `_fields` for `ast.dump()` to be able to dump also child nodes. The problem is that `_attributes` isn't documented at all. Related to that, `ast.dump()` using `_fields` isn't documented either, but at least `_fields` is mentioned in the docs otherwise. Relevant links to `ast.dump()` docs and to the source code below.

`ast.AST` documents the `_fields` attribute but doesn't mention similar `_attributes`:

`ast.dump()` documents the `include_attributes` argument but doesn't mention that `_attributes` is needed (or that `_fields` needs to be set correctly to get child notes dumped):

`ast.dump()` source code shows that the undocumented `_attributes` needs to be set in addition to using `include_attributes=True`:
Date User Action Args
2019-11-11 14:31:03pekka.klarcksetrecipients: + pekka.klarck
2019-11-11 14:31:03pekka.klarcksetmessageid: <>
2019-11-11 14:31:03pekka.klarcklinkissue38765 messages
2019-11-11 14:31:03pekka.klarckcreate