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Author yselivanov
Recipients aeros, asvetlov, primal, yselivanov
Date 2019-11-02.05:19:56
SpamBayes Score -1.0
Marked as misclassified Yes
Message-id <>
In-reply-to <>
> IMO, I think it would be a bit more clear to just explicitly call it
> "threads" or "max_threads", as that explains what it's effectively doing.
> While "concurrency" is still a perfectly correct way of describing the
> behavior, I think it might be a little too abstract for an argument name.


And that's why I like it. If we add ProcessPool it will have the same argument: concurrency.

max_workers isn't correct, as we want to spawn all threads and all processes when we start. Thus btw makes me think that initializing threads/processes in __init__ is a bad idea, as spawning can be asynchronous.

Date User Action Args
2019-11-02 05:19:56yselivanovsetrecipients: + yselivanov, asvetlov, primal, aeros
2019-11-02 05:19:56yselivanovlinkissue32309 messages
2019-11-02 05:19:56yselivanovcreate