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Author vstinner
Recipients asvetlov, christian.heimes, cstratak, doko, koobs, lukasz.langa, matrixise, miss-islington, ncoghlan, ned.deily, op368, pablogsal, vstinner, xtreak, yselivanov
Date 2019-10-15.13:34:27
SpamBayes Score -1.0
Marked as misclassified Yes
Message-id <>
Zachary Ware commented the new failures on the x86 Gentoo worker:

"My worker was updated to OpenSSL v1.1.1d with sslv3 disabled today, which seems like a likely source of these failures."
Date User Action Args
2019-10-15 13:34:27vstinnersetrecipients: + vstinner, doko, ncoghlan, christian.heimes, ned.deily, asvetlov, lukasz.langa, yselivanov, koobs, matrixise, cstratak, pablogsal, miss-islington, xtreak, op368
2019-10-15 13:34:27vstinnersetmessageid: <>
2019-10-15 13:34:27vstinnerlinkissue35998 messages
2019-10-15 13:34:27vstinnercreate