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Author hniksic
Recipients asvetlov, docs@python, hniksic, yselivanov
Date 2019-09-15.15:17:33
SpamBayes Score -1.0
Marked as misclassified Yes
Message-id <>
The EchoClientProtocol example receives a "loop" argument, which is not used at all in the TCP example, and is used to create a future in the UDP example. In modern asyncio code the explicit loop arguments are no longer used since the loop can always be obtained with get_running_loop().

The proposed patch makes the UDP example consistent with the TCP one (by having the constructor accept the on_con_lost future) and removes the loop argument from both.
Date User Action Args
2019-09-15 15:17:34hniksicsetrecipients: + hniksic, asvetlov, docs@python, yselivanov
2019-09-15 15:17:34hniksicsetmessageid: <>
2019-09-15 15:17:34hniksiclinkissue38178 messages
2019-09-15 15:17:33hniksiccreate