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Author yselivanov
Recipients asvetlov, lukasz.langa, yselivanov
Date 2019-09-13.17:11:32
SpamBayes Score -1.0
Marked as misclassified Yes
Message-id <>
Summary of discussion at

* `asyncio.Stream.write()` will start throwing a `DeprecationWarning` asking people to add an `await` if they didn't;

* `asyncio.Stream.close()` will start throwing a `DeprecationWarning` asking people to add an `await` if they didn't;

* `asyncio.Stream.drain()` & `asyncio.Stream.wait_closed()` will start throwing a `DeprecationWarning` telling about a scheduled removal (in Python 3.12) when used on `Process.std*` streams;

* `asyncio.Stream.drain()` & `asyncio.Stream.wait_closed()` will not work at all on Streams created via new 3.8 APIs: `connect()` & `StreamServer`.
Date User Action Args
2019-09-13 17:11:32yselivanovsetrecipients: + yselivanov, asvetlov, lukasz.langa
2019-09-13 17:11:32yselivanovsetmessageid: <>
2019-09-13 17:11:32yselivanovlinkissue38164 messages
2019-09-13 17:11:32yselivanovcreate