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Author vlbrown
Recipients Amit Feller, Eli_B, njs, pitrou, r.david.murray, serhiy.storchaka, thomas-arildsen, vlbrown
Date 2019-08-26.20:49:42
SpamBayes Score -1.0
Marked as misclassified Yes
Message-id <>
This is still broken. With pandas being popular, it's more likely someone might hit it. Can we fix this?

At the very least, the error message needs to be made much more specific.

 I have created a dictionary containing pandas stats. 
def summary_stats(s):
    Calculate summary statistics for a series or list, s 
    returns a dictionary
    stats = {
      'count': 0,
      'max': 0,
      'min': 0,
      'mean': 0,
      'median': 0,
      'mode': 0,
      'std': 0,
      'z': (0,0)
    stats['count'] = s.count()
    stats['max'] = s.max()
    stats['min'] = s.min()
    stats['mean'] = round(s.mean(),3)
    stats['median'] = s.median()
    stats['mode'] = s.mode()[0]
    stats['std'] = round(s.std(),3)

    std3 = 3* stats['std']
    low_z = round(stats['mean'] - (std3),3)
    high_z = round(stats['mean'] + (std3),3)
    stats['z'] = (low_z, high_z)

Apparently, pandas (sometimes) returns numpy ints and numpy floats. 

Here's a piece of the dictionary:
 {'count': 597,
   'max': 0.95,
   'min': 0.01,
   'mean': 0.585,
   'median': 0.58,
   'mode': 0.59,
   'std': 0.122,
   'z': (0.219, 0.951)}

It looks fine, but when I try to dump the dict to json
with open('Data/station_stats.json', 'w') as fp:
    json.dump(station_stats, fp)

I get this error
TypeError: Object of type int64 is not JSON serializable

**Much searching** led me to discover that I apparently have numpy ints which I have confirmed.

for key, value in station_stats['657']['Fluorescence'].items():
    print(key, value, type(value))

count 3183 <class 'numpy.int64'>
max 2.8 <class 'float'>
min 0.02 <class 'float'>
mean 0.323 <class 'float'>
median 0.28 <class 'float'>
mode 0.24 <class 'numpy.float64'>
std 0.194 <class 'float'>
z (-0.259, 0.905) <class 'tuple'>

#### Problem description

pandas statistics sometimes produce numpy numerics.

numpy ints are not supported by json.dump

#### Expected Output

I expect ints, floats, strings, ... to be JSON srializable.


commit           : None
python           :
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OS               : Darwin
OS-release       : 15.6.0
machine          : x86_64
processor        : i386
byteorder        : little
LC_ALL           : None
LANG             : en_US.UTF-8
LOCALE           : en_US.UTF-8

pandas           : 0.25.0
numpy            : 1.16.4
pytz             : 2019.1
dateutil         : 2.8.0
pip              : 19.1.1
setuptools       : 41.0.1
Cython           : 0.29.12
pytest           : 5.0.1
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xlsxwriter       : 1.1.8
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psycopg2         : None
jinja2           : 2.10.1
IPython          : 7.7.0
pandas_datareader: None
bs4              : 4.7.1
bottleneck       : 1.2.1
fastparquet      : None
gcsfs            : None
lxml.etree       : 4.3.4
matplotlib       : 3.1.0
numexpr          : 2.6.9
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pandas_gbq       : None
pyarrow          : None
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s3fs             : None
scipy            : 1.3.0
sqlalchemy       : 1.3.5
tables           : 3.5.2
xarray           : None
xlrd             : 1.2.0
xlwt             : 1.3.0
xlsxwriter       : 1.1.8
Date User Action Args
2019-08-26 20:49:43vlbrownsetrecipients: + vlbrown, pitrou, r.david.murray, njs, Eli_B, serhiy.storchaka, thomas-arildsen, Amit Feller
2019-08-26 20:49:43vlbrownsetmessageid: <>
2019-08-26 20:49:43vlbrownlinkissue24313 messages
2019-08-26 20:49:42vlbrowncreate