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Author mzbuild
Recipients cagney, ebizzinfotech, gregory.p.smith, hugh, lukasz.langa, mzbuild, ned.deily
Date 2019-08-01.17:58:33
SpamBayes Score -1.0
Marked as misclassified Yes
Message-id <>
We use the sh module in a threaded context to execute shell commands. When we were migrating to python 3 from python 2 we encountered some commands hanging. We created a test script that recreates the issue we are seeing.
`import sh
import logging
import concurrent.futures.thread

def execmd(exe):
execution_pool = concurrent.futures.thread.ThreadPoolExecutor(20)
i = 0
thread_results = []
while i<500:
i+= 1
thread_results.append(, ['ls']))


When running this in python 3.7 it hangs but in python 3.6 it works fine. We think it is releated to this issue Installing the latest 3.7.4 didn't fix the issue.  The sh module uses logging and forking and the top script uses threading so we think there is a locking issue with 3.7.  Any help would be great.
Date User Action Args
2019-08-01 17:58:33mzbuildsetrecipients: + mzbuild, gregory.p.smith, ned.deily, lukasz.langa, cagney, hugh, ebizzinfotech
2019-08-01 17:58:33mzbuildsetmessageid: <>
2019-08-01 17:58:33mzbuildlinkissue37740 messages
2019-08-01 17:58:33mzbuildcreate