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Author zach.ware
Recipients Culip, aldwinaldwin, docs@python, paul.j3, zach.ware
Date 2019-07-11.04:53:26
SpamBayes Score -1.0
Marked as misclassified Yes
Message-id <>
I don't agree with the proposed change; I think the examples are fine as is.

Using `>= 1` means if you later decide that the `-vv` message should actually only happen at `-vvv` and `-vv` should get the same message as `-v`, you only have to change the 2 to a 3 and you're done.  With `== 1` you have to remember to either change `== 1` to `>= 1` or switch to `in {1, 2}`, or (more likely) forget to make the change initially and have to go back and fix it later.

The last example especially must not be changed; it is explicitly showing how to emit additional messages at higher verbosity levels.

I recommend closing this issue.
Date User Action Args
2019-07-11 04:53:26zach.waresetrecipients: + zach.ware, docs@python, paul.j3, aldwinaldwin, Culip
2019-07-11 04:53:26zach.waresetmessageid: <>
2019-07-11 04:53:26zach.warelinkissue37545 messages
2019-07-11 04:53:26zach.warecreate