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Author rschiron
Recipients alex, christian.heimes, dstufft, janssen, lukasz.langa, ned.deily, rschiron, vstinner
Date 2019-07-02.08:49:22
SpamBayes Score -1.0
Marked as misclassified Yes
Message-id <>
As far as I know you can't request a hostname with spaces in it (which seems to be a precondition to trigger this bug) so I think an attacker cannot even create a malicious CA that would be mistakenly accepted by match_hostname.
Date User Action Args
2019-07-02 08:49:22rschironsetrecipients: + rschiron, janssen, vstinner, christian.heimes, ned.deily, alex, lukasz.langa, dstufft
2019-07-02 08:49:22rschironsetmessageid: <>
2019-07-02 08:49:22rschironlinkissue37463 messages
2019-07-02 08:49:22rschironcreate