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Author cjrh
Recipients Elvis.Pranskevichus, asvetlov, cjrh, docs@python, ned.deily, willingc, yselivanov
Date 2019-06-16.13:47:43
SpamBayes Score -1.0
Marked as misclassified Yes
Message-id <>
FYI I'm going to be using the 3rd-party prompt-toolkit for the chat client. (The server depends only on asyncio only).  I put several hours research into finding a way for the CLI chat client to be not terrible, but it gets very complicated trying to manage stdin and stdout with asyncio.  OTOH prompt-toolkit just gives us exactly what we need, and the code looks short, neat and easy to understand. I hope that's ok (that I'll be mentioning a 3rd party lib in the tutorial).
Date User Action Args
2019-06-16 13:47:43cjrhsetrecipients: + cjrh, ned.deily, asvetlov, Elvis.Pranskevichus, docs@python, yselivanov, willingc
2019-06-16 13:47:43cjrhsetmessageid: <>
2019-06-16 13:47:43cjrhlinkissue34831 messages
2019-06-16 13:47:43cjrhcreate