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Author rhettinger
Recipients mark.dickinson, rhettinger, serhiy.storchaka, stutzbach, tim.peters
Date 2019-06-02.16:41:31
SpamBayes Score -1.0
Marked as misclassified Yes
Message-id <>
After the beta feature freeze, I'll write up an edit the math module docs that makes in easier to find functions (by splitting out a section of the docs for these functions and by creating a summary link table at the top like we do for builtins).  I really don't want a separate module for this and think that would work against the needs of usres.
Date User Action Args
2019-06-02 16:41:32rhettingersetrecipients: + rhettinger, tim.peters, mark.dickinson, stutzbach, serhiy.storchaka
2019-06-02 16:41:32rhettingersetmessageid: <>
2019-06-02 16:41:32rhettingerlinkissue37132 messages
2019-06-02 16:41:31rhettingercreate