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Author berker.peksag
Recipients berker.peksag, epaulson
Date 2019-05-31.21:38:14
SpamBayes Score -1.0
Marked as misclassified Yes
Message-id <>
Thank you for the report and for the patch!

What's your use case? I understand the need for it for httpd, but as someone who uses http.server daily, I can't think of a use case that I'd find this feature useful. Note that even the example in your message and the test in the patch use artificial file names :)

Handler.directory_index.append("index.htmlx") API doesn't look good to me. It would be nice to subclass it, but that would make http.server less usable (especially if you run it via "python -m http.server")

I suggest closing this as 'rejected' (sorry!)
Date User Action Args
2019-05-31 21:38:14berker.peksagsetrecipients: + berker.peksag, epaulson
2019-05-31 21:38:14berker.peksagsetmessageid: <>
2019-05-31 21:38:14berker.peksaglinkissue32628 messages
2019-05-31 21:38:14berker.peksagcreate