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Author serhiy.storchaka
Recipients benjamin.peterson, brett.cannon, pablogsal, serhiy.storchaka, yselivanov
Date 2019-05-31.11:31:31
SpamBayes Score -1.0
Marked as misclassified Yes
Message-id <>
>>> import ast
>>> sample = 'def f(a=1, /): pass'
>>> compile(sample, '?', 'exec')
<code object <module> at 0x7f7cacdfd5c0, file "?", line 1>
>>> compile(ast.parse(sample, '?'), '?', 'exec')
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
ValueError: more positional defaults than args on arguments
Date User Action Args
2019-05-31 11:31:31serhiy.storchakasetrecipients: + serhiy.storchaka, brett.cannon, benjamin.peterson, yselivanov, pablogsal
2019-05-31 11:31:31serhiy.storchakasetmessageid: <>
2019-05-31 11:31:31serhiy.storchakalinkissue37112 messages
2019-05-31 11:31:31serhiy.storchakacreate