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Author Jarl Gullberg
Recipients Jarl Gullberg
Date 2019-05-28.15:37:32
SpamBayes Score -1.0
Marked as misclassified Yes
Message-id <>
I am currently trying to compile the latest stable release of Python (3.7.3 at the time of writing) on a small ARM device (a DNS-323A1 NAS), running Alt-F (a custom linux-based firmware) using GCC 4.3.3. Unfortunately, I've hit a major snag that I just can't seem to get past.

In short, the compilation goes well until the [sharedmods] stage, where it encounters an error related to readline and the module not having been compiled with -fPIC. I've included a truncated log (taken from a second make invocation after the first failed) that displays the issue.

This is the ./configure invocation I've used:
'--prefix=/usr' '--enable-shared' '--with-system-expat' '--with-system-ffi' '--with-ensurepip=yes' '--enable-optimizations' '--enable-ipv6' 'CFLAGS=-fPIC' 'CXXFLAGS=-fPIC'

Any assistance would be much appreciated.
Date User Action Args
2019-05-28 15:37:32Jarl Gullbergsetrecipients: + Jarl Gullberg
2019-05-28 15:37:32Jarl Gullbergsetmessageid: <>
2019-05-28 15:37:32Jarl Gullberglinkissue37080 messages
2019-05-28 15:37:32Jarl Gullbergcreate