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Author mdk
Recipients ZooDSS, cheryl.sabella, divyag, docs@python, eric.smith, geoffreyspear, mdk, miss-islington, zach.ware
Date 2019-05-13.13:48:55
SpamBayes Score -1.0
Marked as misclassified Yes
Message-id <>
New changeset 074d7c44a474680122ed869bb6be89c1f4f18f12 by Julien Palard (Stéphane Wirtel) in branch '3.7':
[3.7] bpo-34682: Wording and grammatical changes to the doc( (GH-13120) (GH-13281)
Date User Action Args
2019-05-13 13:48:55mdksetrecipients: + mdk, eric.smith, docs@python, geoffreyspear, zach.ware, cheryl.sabella, miss-islington, ZooDSS, divyag
2019-05-13 13:48:55mdksetmessageid: <>
2019-05-13 13:48:55mdklinkissue34682 messages
2019-05-13 13:48:55mdkcreate