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Author a.badger
Recipients Tom Hale, a.badger, serhiy.storchaka
Date 2019-05-07.15:32:39
SpamBayes Score -1.0
Marked as misclassified Yes
Message-id <>
Additionally, the os module is supposed to closely follow the behaviour of the underlying operating system functions:  

> The design of all built-in operating system dependent modules of Python is such that as long as the same functionality is available, it uses the same interface; [..]

The POSIX symlimk function on which this is based has made the decision not to overwrite an existing symlink (See the EEXIST error in or man pages on symlink from one of the Linux distros: )   As with many other POSIX-derived filesystem functions, the technique you propose, relying on atomic filesystem renames) would seem to be the standard method of writing race-resistant code.  Due to the mandate for the os module, it feels like that belongs in a utility function in custom code or another module rather than something for the os module.

A couple of thoughts on what you could do instead:

* A collection of utility functions that fixed race-conditions in filesystem handling could make a nice third party module on pypi.

* The stdlib shutil module provides an API that's supposed to be easier to implement common use cases than the os.* functions.  Perhaps you could propose your idea to the python-ideas mailing list as a new function in that module and see what people think of that?
Date User Action Args
2019-05-07 15:32:39a.badgersetrecipients: + a.badger, serhiy.storchaka, Tom Hale
2019-05-07 15:32:39a.badgersetmessageid: <>
2019-05-07 15:32:39a.badgerlinkissue36656 messages
2019-05-07 15:32:39a.badgercreate