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Author rbavery
Recipients rbavery
Date 2019-05-07.03:47:45
SpamBayes Score -1.0
Marked as misclassified Yes
Message-id <>
I am trying to use shutil.copytree on an Azure VM that has Azure FileStorage mounted with SMB 3.0. When I run the following to copy directories from one location on my Azure File Storage to another location on my File Storage, the whole directory, subdirectory, and files are copied succesfully but then this errors on those very same files:

    os.path.join(wflow.TRAIN, 'tile_512-4608'), 
    os.path.join(wflow.TEST, 'tile_512-4608')

Error: [('/mnt/point/landsat-1024-cp/train/tile_512-4608/image', '/mnt/point/landsat-1024-cp/test/tile_512-4608/image', '[Errno 1] Operation not permitted'), ('/mnt/point/landsat-1024-cp/train/tile_512-4608/mask', '/mnt/point/landsat-1024-cp/test/tile_512-4608/mask', '[Errno 1] Operation not permitted'), ('/mnt/point/landsat-1024-cp/train/tile_512-4608', '/mnt/point/landsat-1024-cp/test/tile_512-4608', '[Errno 1] Operation not permitted')]

After this error, all of the items listed above were actually copied so I'm not sure why this errors
Date User Action Args
2019-05-07 03:47:46rbaverysetrecipients: + rbavery
2019-05-07 03:47:46rbaverysetmessageid: <>
2019-05-07 03:47:45rbaverylinkissue36823 messages
2019-05-07 03:47:45rbaverycreate