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Author methane
Recipients docs@python, lukasz.langa, mdk, methane, vstinner
Date 2019-04-11.08:09:05
SpamBayes Score -1.0
Marked as misclassified Yes
Message-id <>

    >>> obj = Object()
    >>> weakref.finalize(obj, print, "obj dead or exiting")  #doctest:+ELLIPSIS
    <finalize object at ...; for 'Object' at ...>
    >>> exit()                                               #doctest:+SKIP
    obj dead or exiting

Note that "#doctest:+SKIP".  print("obj dead or exiting") is called after weakref test.
This may caused random doctest fail.
Date User Action Args
2019-04-11 08:09:05methanesetrecipients: + methane, vstinner, docs@python, lukasz.langa, mdk
2019-04-11 08:09:05methanesetmessageid: <>
2019-04-11 08:09:05methanelinkissue36597 messages
2019-04-11 08:09:05methanecreate