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Author xtreak
Recipients bux, eric.smith, gvanrossum, levkivskyi, xtreak
Date 2019-03-19.15:41:34
SpamBayes Score -1.0
Marked as misclassified Yes
Message-id <>
I am not sure this is a problem with dataclasses. dataclasses acts upon information from cls.__dict__.get('__annotations__', {}) at [0] and sets the type attribute for the field. Seems like using a valid identifier (class or function) used as class attribute along with defining it as optional type of the same name sets None type in annotation. Also happens when a class attribute is used with optional type for another attribute as in Spam class This more feels like a behavior with typing module. I am adding typing module maintainers for clarification.


import typing

class Baz:

class Bar:

class Foo:
    baz: typing.Optional[Bar] = None
    Bar: typing.Optional[Bar] = None

class Spam:
    bar: typing.Optional[Bar] = None
    baz: typing.Optional[bar] = None

print(Foo.__dict__.get('__annotations__', {}))
print(Spam.__dict__.get('__annotations__', {}))

$ ./python.exe ../backups/
{'baz': typing.Union[__main__.Bar, NoneType], 'Bar': <class 'NoneType'>}
{'bar': typing.Union[__main__.Bar, NoneType], 'baz': <class 'NoneType'>}

Date User Action Args
2019-03-19 15:41:35xtreaksetrecipients: + xtreak, gvanrossum, eric.smith, levkivskyi, bux
2019-03-19 15:41:34xtreaksetmessageid: <>
2019-03-19 15:41:34xtreaklinkissue36363 messages
2019-03-19 15:41:34xtreakcreate