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Author cheryl.sabella
Recipients brett.cannon, cheryl.sabella, steve.dower, vinay.sajip, vstinner
Date 2019-03-13.00:14:32
SpamBayes Score -1.0
Marked as misclassified Yes
Message-id <>
Thanks Steve.

The venv tests run for me from inside a venv on Windows 10 from a command prompt.  From Powershell, all the tests fail with the following when run from inside a venv:
FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'N:\\projects\\cpython\\lib\\venv\\scripts\\nt\\python.exe'

I haven't tried on linux.
Date User Action Args
2019-03-13 00:14:33cheryl.sabellasetrecipients: + cheryl.sabella, brett.cannon, vinay.sajip, vstinner, steve.dower
2019-03-13 00:14:33cheryl.sabellasetmessageid: <>
2019-03-13 00:14:33cheryl.sabellalinkissue35661 messages
2019-03-13 00:14:32cheryl.sabellacreate