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Author ned.deily
Recipients Windson Yang, benjamin.peterson, lukasz.langa, martin.panter, ned.deily, orsenthil, serhiy.storchaka, xtreak, 西田雄治
Date 2019-03-10.02:58:28
SpamBayes Score -1.0
Marked as misclassified Yes
Message-id <>
New changeset e5123d81ffb3be35a1b2767d6ced1a097aaf77be by Ned Deily (Miss Islington (bot)) in branch '3.7':
bpo-35121: prefix dot in domain for proper subdomain validation (GH-10258) (GH-12261)
Date User Action Args
2019-03-10 02:58:28ned.deilysetrecipients: + ned.deily, orsenthil, benjamin.peterson, lukasz.langa, martin.panter, serhiy.storchaka, Windson Yang, xtreak, 西田雄治
2019-03-10 02:58:28ned.deilysetmessageid: <>
2019-03-10 02:58:28ned.deilylinkissue35121 messages
2019-03-10 02:58:28ned.deilycreate