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Author Anthony Sottile
Recipients Anthony Sottile, Chris Billington, Ivan.Pozdeev, Peter L3, SilentGhost, __Vano, barry, brett.cannon, cheryl.sabella, christian.heimes, eric.smith, eric.snow, ethan smith, ionelmc, jaraco, mhammond, ncoghlan, pitrou, steve.dower, takluyver, terry.reedy, veky
Date 2019-03-07.17:32:09
SpamBayes Score -1.0
Marked as misclassified Yes
Message-id <>
> What I'm dismissing is that "pip install some-package" can define a global startup task for your interpreter. I shouldn't get debugging or code coverage enabled every time I run "python" just because I installed some package

At least for the coverage tools they all play nice and require an environment variable to be set for them to take.  For example, `coverage-enable-subprocess` requires `COVERAGE_PROCESS_START=...` in order to start:

> I should have to start that package somehow.

`pip install` is a pretty good opt-in already imo

> Instead of just shipping "", you ship "" and "", where "" looks like:

but that's exactly my point, now you have to ship extra junk python files when it's a way better experience to have the hooks _just work_
Date User Action Args
2019-03-07 17:32:09Anthony Sottilesetrecipients: + Anthony Sottile, mhammond, barry, brett.cannon, terry.reedy, jaraco, ncoghlan, pitrou, eric.smith, christian.heimes, ionelmc, SilentGhost, __Vano, eric.snow, takluyver, steve.dower, veky, Ivan.Pozdeev, ethan smith, cheryl.sabella, Chris Billington, Peter L3
2019-03-07 17:32:09Anthony Sottilesetmessageid: <>
2019-03-07 17:32:09Anthony Sottilelinkissue33944 messages
2019-03-07 17:32:09Anthony Sottilecreate