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Author methane
Recipients Henrik Bengtsson, methane, vstinner
Date 2018-12-04.08:01:10
SpamBayes Score -1.0
Marked as misclassified Yes
Message-id <>
In-reply-to <>
> where the *child* process (` == 0`) get stuck while calling _dup2(c2pwrite = 4, 1) which in turn calls os.dup2(a = 4, b = 1).

Doesn't child process get stuck while writing stdout?

> It would also be interesting to understand exactly what causes the stall.  Is it indeed the pipe that gets filled up?  Is that because the kernel does *not* respect the pipe limit and just dumps all output at once (> 65,536 bytes), i.e. it is a bug?  Or is it that Python or one of its dependencies runs into a race condition because, say, it does not have a chance to set up the parent-child communication before the child (== the kernel) dumps too much data?

In a normal case, when child process succeeded to `exec`,
`errpipe_write` must be closed, by CLOEXEC flag.
Then, parent process `_eintr_retry_call(, errpipe_read,
1048576)` returns b"".
So parent process can read from stdio pipes, and child process can
write to stdio pipes more than 65536 bytes.

In your case, `errpipe_write` is not closed when `exec` is succeeded.
That's kernel bug.
Parent process `_eintr_retry_call(, errpipe_read, 1048576)`
does not return until child process exits.
But child process is blocked when writing to stdout/err more than 65536 bytes.
Deadlock happened.

> Finally, I don't know if the fact that `/sbin/ldconfig` does not exist but you can yet call it is (i) poorly designed kernel, or (ii) a valid design in the Unix world.  I don't know the answer to this and I don't claim one is more correct than the other.  I also don't know if there are other kernels out there that does this type of interception.  If it is indeed a valid design, then one could argue that Python and other software tools should be able to handle it.  FYI, this far I've/we've only hit this issue with Python (>= 2.7.13), maybe because of pure luck.  It did not cause a problem in Python (< 2.7.13) and it does not cause a problem if we use subprocess.Popen(..., 'shell = True').  On the other hand, if one would argue that it is a poor design, then would it make sense to protect against by for instance asserting that the executable actually exists before calling it:

I don't know (i) or (II).
But I don't think the assertion makes sense.  I expect OSError rather
than RuntimeError.
Date User Action Args
2018-12-04 08:01:11methanesetrecipients: + methane, vstinner, Henrik Bengtsson
2018-12-04 08:01:11methanelinkissue35305 messages
2018-12-04 08:01:10methanecreate