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Author nedbat
Recipients Mariatta, dfrojas, eli.bendersky, nedbat, rhettinger, scoder, serhiy.storchaka, taleinat, vstinner
Date 2018-11-24.10:01:06
SpamBayes Score -1.0
Marked as misclassified Yes
Message-id <>
I happen to use xml.dom.minidom, though I didn't mean this to be, "fix Ned's personal problem" :)
Date User Action Args
2018-11-24 10:01:06nedbatsetrecipients: + nedbat, rhettinger, scoder, vstinner, taleinat, eli.bendersky, serhiy.storchaka, Mariatta, dfrojas
2018-11-24 10:01:06nedbatsetmessageid: <>
2018-11-24 10:01:06nedbatlinkissue34160 messages
2018-11-24 10:01:06nedbatcreate