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Author vincent-nexedi
Recipients vincent-nexedi
Date 2018-09-20.07:39:05
SpamBayes Score -1.0
Marked as misclassified Yes
Message-id <>
From, both on 2.7.15 and 3.6.6:
class SSLSocket(...):
    def context(self, ctx):
        self._context = ctx
        self._sslobj.context = ctx

_sslobj is only set when socket is connected. While this is not a big issue for client sockets as user could just wrap the socket with correct context to begin with, and not a big issue for server sockets for the same reason, it is an issue for listening sockets: they are never connected, by definition, and do not care about _sslobj: upon accept() they only use self._context to wrap created socket.

Suggested fix:
    def context(self, ctx):
        self._context = ctx
        if self._sslobj:
            self._sslobj.context = ctx
(consistently with how _sslobj is evaluated as a boolean elsewhere in the same class)

Suggested workaround (ex: if this fix is not backported to 2.7):
        ssl_socket.context = new_context
    except AttributeError:
as _context is changed first, and it's all that matters.
Date User Action Args
2018-09-20 07:39:05vincent-nexedisetrecipients: + vincent-nexedi
2018-09-20 07:39:05vincent-nexedisetmessageid: <>
2018-09-20 07:39:05vincent-nexedilinkissue34747 messages
2018-09-20 07:39:05vincent-nexedicreate