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Author garyrsimpson
Recipients garyrsimpson
Date 2018-09-06.01:10:23
SpamBayes Score -1.0
Marked as misclassified Yes
Message-id <>
I started with Anaconda3 (python3.64). When I add #include "python.h" to my C++ code, I get the visual studio 2012 compile error:
anaconda3\include\pyport.h(6): fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'inttypes.h': No such file or directory

I then installed python 3.7, and put that include directory into my project. But I get the same error when I try to compile. 
python.h calls pyport.h, which tries to call inttypes.h, which it can't find. I searched and cannot find inttypes.h anywhere on my computer.
Date User Action Args
2018-09-06 01:10:24garyrsimpsonsetrecipients: + garyrsimpson
2018-09-06 01:10:24garyrsimpsonsetmessageid: <>
2018-09-06 01:10:24garyrsimpsonlinkissue34593 messages
2018-09-06 01:10:23garyrsimpsoncreate