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Author era
Recipients barry, era, r.david.murray
Date 2018-08-22.09:00:19
SpamBayes Score -1.0
Marked as misclassified Yes
Message-id <>
Content currently contains the following code:

    def get_text_content(msg, errors='replace'):
        content = msg.get_payload(decode=True)
        charset = msg.get_param('charset', 'ASCII')
        return content.decode(charset, errors=errors)

This breaks when the IANA character set is not identical to the Python encoding name. For example, pass it a message with

    Content-type: text/plain; charset=cp-850

This breaks for two separate reasons (and I will report two separate bugs); the IANA character-set label should be looked up and converted to a Python codec name (that's this bug) and the character-set alias 'cp-850' is not defined in the lookup table in the place.

There are probably other places in where a similar mapping should take place. 

I do not have a proper patch, but in general outline, the fix would look like

+    import email.charset
     def get_text_content(msg, errors='replace'):
        content = msg.get_payload(decode=True)
        charset = msg.get_param('charset', 'ASCII')
-       return content.decode(charset, errors=errors)
+       encoding = Charset(charset).output_charset()
+       return content.decode(encoding, errors=errors)

This was discovered in this Stack Overflow post:
Date User Action Args
2018-08-22 09:00:20erasetrecipients: + era, barry, r.david.murray
2018-08-22 09:00:20erasetmessageid: <>
2018-08-22 09:00:20eralinkissue34459 messages
2018-08-22 09:00:19eracreate