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Author ysangkok+launchpad
Recipients asvetlov, ysangkok+launchpad, yselivanov
Date 2018-08-15.15:56:16
SpamBayes Score -1.0
Marked as misclassified Yes
Message-id <>
Since socket.getaddrinfo and socket.getnameinfo take a lock on Windows, it would be nice to have their corresponding methods in asyncio.ProactorEventLoop use IOCP, so that they wouldn't block the whole event loop.

Overlapped I/O flags are available, so I am wondering how hard this would be:
Date User Action Args
2018-08-15 15:56:16ysangkok+launchpadsetrecipients: + ysangkok+launchpad, asvetlov, yselivanov
2018-08-15 15:56:16ysangkok+launchpadsetmessageid: <>
2018-08-15 15:56:16ysangkok+launchpadlinkissue34411 messages
2018-08-15 15:56:16ysangkok+launchpadcreate