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Author vinay.sajip
Recipients oren, vinay.sajip
Date 2018-07-11.14:43:36
SpamBayes Score -1.0
Marked as misclassified Yes
Message-id <>
It seems innocuous enough, but the documentation for handleError() does say: "This method should be called from handlers when an exception is encountered during an emit() call."

That documentation is the same for 2.x and 3.x. This is not how you are using it. What happens if you just raise an Exception from your transmit() method, and just call transmit() from within emit() without making a condition of the return value?
Date User Action Args
2018-07-11 14:43:36vinay.sajipsetrecipients: + vinay.sajip, oren
2018-07-11 14:43:36vinay.sajipsetmessageid: <>
2018-07-11 14:43:36vinay.sajiplinkissue34086 messages
2018-07-11 14:43:36vinay.sajipcreate