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Author josh.r
Recipients docs@python, fried, josh.r, lukasz.langa
Date 2018-06-15.11:05:09
SpamBayes Score -1.0
Marked as misclassified Yes
Message-id <>
memoryview isn't just for bytes strings though; the format can make it a sequence of many types of different widths, meanings, etc. Calling it a BytesString would be misleading in many cases.
Date User Action Args
2018-06-15 11:05:09josh.rsetrecipients: + josh.r, docs@python, lukasz.langa, fried
2018-06-15 11:05:09josh.rsetmessageid: <>
2018-06-15 11:05:09josh.rlinkissue33864 messages
2018-06-15 11:05:09josh.rcreate