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Author belopolsky
Date 2007-04-19.20:47:30
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It is easy to distinguish between a c_char_p that is created from a python string from one that is created from a python int: the former has an _objects attribute set to a string:

>>> x,y = map(c_char_p, ('abc',42))
>>> (x._objects,y._objects)
('abc', None)

It may be reasonable to give up a "nice" repr for the cases where c_char_p is not known to point into a python string. You can still keep "nice" str, so users can still enjoy a crash by printing c_char_p(42). :-)
Date User Action Args
2007-08-23 14:53:10adminlinkissue1701409 messages
2007-08-23 14:53:10admincreate